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Green River Fly Fishing Report

August 13th, 2024

Terrestrial season is upon us!  The fish are eating small ants and beetles and also much larger offerings in the swifter water. Their are still a few PMD's on the B Section, with Tricos starting to show up on the C Section.  The Tricos will continue to move up the river and should be on the B and A Sections fairly soon.  The flows are much better now than earlier in the summer - ramping up daily from 1,000cfs to 1,960cfs in the evenings.  The flows are about 1,600cfs in the day - depending on where you are on the river.  The fly fishing is not easy out there, but persistence will pay off. There is a lot of moss on the edges of the river - look for moving water on the banks and fish in tight.


The fish are in great shape, and fighting hard.  The current average size trout is 16 inches and thick. 

Flaming Gorge Reservoir is at about 88% capacity, 

1,000 - 1,960 CFS
Changing daily

Blew out yesterday
should be fishable in a couple more days 

The Flow schedule will likely change a bit in September.

A Section: Terrestrials , Midges, some PMD's 

B Section:  Terrestrials, some size PMD's

C Section:  Terrestrials and Tricos   

Hatches: Terrestrials, Tricos, and a few PMD's, 


Dry Flies

Hot and Sunny conditions fish best .  Look for PMD's on cloudy days.


Green River PMX Cricket #10

Bionic Ant #10

Parachute Ant #16-18

High Vis Chubby Chernobyl #10-14

Fat Albert tan black red #2-8

Triple Double #16-18

Morrish Hopper tan #6-10

Chubby Cubby #16

CDC Biot Spinner PMD # 20

Deer Hair Ant #16

Fat Albert #10 black, tan

Water Walker #8-10



Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - mixed​. 0X - 2X tippet.  Early mornings and evenings are usually best.

CDC Jig Streamer

Humungus black/gold

Flash a Bugger

El Sculpito tan

Cheech Leech - articulated all colors

Complex Twist Bugger - all colors

Tungsten Jig Bugger


Galloup's Dungeon - articulated all colors



There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 5x or 6x tippet

Grey Soft Hackle #18 -22

Egan's Frenchie #14-16

Scuds #20-22 grey, olive

Tungsten Jig TNT - PMP #16 -20

Black Beauty #20-22

Juju PMD #18-20

Tungsten Zebra Midge #14-20 brown, wine, purple, black

Pheasant Tail #14 -20

Flossy Worm pink, purple, red, orange #10-14

Crackback PMD #16-20


For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!


Historical River Reports

Green River Fly Fishing Reports from Previous Months and Years







Stockton Art Brown Trout
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